*Cancer is a marathon*– you can’t look at the finish line. You take it moment by moment, sometimes breath by breath, other times step by step.
*Krutika Thakur of Bhayander a strong, just 21 year old girl and graduated in last year only.* She know the truth that she is unfortunately living in a palliative stage as she has a *Sacral Tumour in the back* which has made her a handicap.
At such young age she has to daily face ultimate truth of life i.e. Death but still *when she called us she requested for Job where she can work from home* as she is now unfit for 9 to 6 job. What a fighter girl Kruthika is?
She lost her father 10 years ago to Cancer itself. Her Mother Mrs. Thakur works for the an Insurance company as an agent. Her income is unstable. They are subsisting on *pension of 15K* of her father who worked for SBI.
She has to take *Denosumab monthly for atleast another 2 years. You can say she can survive for maximum 2 years* to stand a chance for survival. Each injection will cost her Rs. 15K.
We supported get in Feb for 3 injections (subsidied Rate).
She has been advised another 3 before she is shifted to Ayurveda..
Her present finances does not support her. *Can we gift some additional years of life by raising Rs. 45K.*
*Each Injection is going to give some moment of life to her.*
We feel we must support her with best of our capabilities. I like to contribute — in the race of Kruthika against life. Humble request to all for joining us. Regards *Team Shivprabha* 🙏🏻😊