She is Anjali Raut from Madhukar Nagar Pusad, a 20 year old, is a fighter. Girls of that age are usually happy to attending college. She lost her mother 8 years ago. Her father Pramod Raut married again but died of paralysis in February 2019. Anjali has failed in one subject of BA Part 1. She however is still interested in education. Anjali is raising the family at her own expense which, has her Step Mother Rama Raut, Prashika age 6 years and Vashika 4 years. Sewing machine classes are also on and it is becoming difficult for them to pay this fee too. The cost of the second year fees and books are estimated at 5000 per year. She can complete her education if we can fund her 2 years Education and supplement or empower her with a sewing Machine of Rs. 5.5K and sewing training of 5K. The total requirement is Rs. 20.5K
Help Anjali complete her education
October 20, 2020